Print Collateral

Print collateral plays a key role in a company’s overall marketing communications plan. I have extensive experience designing for this medium as well as an expert understanding of print production. Here are several samples of print pieces which I’ve developed for a variety of customers.

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WJB Bearings
—Product Line Brochure

Front Cover & Opening Outer Spread: This gatefold product line brochure for WJB Bearings is a monster measuring 11-inches tall by 34-inches wide.

Full Outside Spread: This brochure is a monster at 11-inches tall by 34-inches wide.

Inside Spread

Town of Victor
—Merchants Brochure: 16” x 18” double quad-fold format

I captured all the community brand photography for this piece as well.
Below: Developed this custom map utilizing local aerial photography as a background element.


Metal Center Rochester
—Capabilities & Specifications Brochure
Metal Center Rochester was looking to differentiate themselves from more than 20 competitors in the immediate region.  They began by offering customers a host of value-added services and we topped things off by giving the company a white-collar branded look to further set them apart from others in the penny-pushing blue collar metals industry.
I art directed the photo shoots for this project which we decided to shoot as traditional 5 x 7 black and white negative film.

Print Production:
This project was a print designer’s dream and a pressman’s nightmare. It certainly put my print production knowledge to the test. The 24-page wire-bound brochure boasted eight spot colors including a metallic silver and two blacks, two varnishes, vellum sheets front and back with embossed Classic Columns covers. St.Vincent Press worked their tails off on this project, including test runs for several sets of ink curves to get the metallic ink balance just right.

O’Connell Electric Company  
—Capabilities Brochures & Business Cards
These 11" x 25" tri-fold brochures were created for O'Connell's Wind and Solar Renewable Energy divisions. I wrote the copy and provided all imagery. These pieces were designed for sharing with highly qualified leads.

O'Connell's Wind Brochure highlights four key services they bring to Wind Farm development. The Wind piece debuted at the WindPower show in Chicago.
O'Connell's Solar Brochure highlights the company's capabilities and expertise across residential, commercial, educational, and utility grade power generation applications.

O’Connell’s Wind Renewable Energy Division asked me to create custom business cards for the various trade show venues they exhibit at. The cards were a natural vehicle for extending the brand consistency we were incorporating across other promotional vehicles for the company—website, brochures, Power Point presentations, trade show displays, and more.

O'Connell uses the above 8-1/2 x 11 inch tri-fold handout for casual leads and general information regarding their wind farm development services.

Town of Victor
—Welcome Packet: Pocket Folder & Sell Sheets

The crossover photograph on the folder bridges current day Victor on the front with historical Victor on the back.  I captured this image of soybeans being harvested next to an iconic oak tree that has been a part of the Town’s history for over 150 years.

I provided copy writing and copy editing services for this project and provided about half the photographs.

I created the stylized rendering of the Village inside the pocket folder from photography I took for the project.


Forbes Custom Products
—Product Brochure & Direct Mail
This product brochure and direct mail post card features new and expanded lines and capabilities for the company. I took the photography for these pieces which needed to align with an existing image library that the company maintained.

The Rochester Club of Printing House Craftsmen
—Call for Entries Direct Mail Poster
This direct mail bundle was designed with staying power in mind by incorporating a modest size poster that showcased some of RIT Library’s letterpress collection. I was photographer and Creative Director on this project.

Genesee Country Village & Museum
—Museum Brochure
For this piece I was working with existing photography and had the goal of walking the reader through the living village experience at the museum.