
Content is king when it comes to developing effective marketing communications and promotional materials. Copy, imagery and graphics work in unison to communicate your message and information clearly and concisely across all marketing tools.

Below are several recent copywriting samples.
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Customer: Top 50 U.S. Specialty Contractor
Task: Copywriting
Application: Featured Project Write-ups for Website

In construction, highlighting key projects which demonstrate a company's expertise and the market segments in which they specialize are critical to establishing credibility and promoting business. For O’Connell Electric Company I have developed 53 in-depth project write-ups, each through a series of interviews and research.  Following are two of these write-ups—additional samples are available upon request.

Project 1
Redflex Red Light Enforcement Systems Installation

Project Overview:
“Run a Red Light? Expect a Photo Finish.” That was the title of a campaign launched by the City of Rochester in advance of installing red light enforcement cameras across 50 intersections. The initiative was implemented to help decrease the number of red light running accidents as well as generate additional revenue for the City. The program required State Senate legislative approval along with the Governor’s signature to be adopted. Rochester was the first municipality in Upstate New York to implement such a program. The City partnered with Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., an industry leader with 20 years experience building, operating, and managing digital red light and speed enforcement systems. Redflex holds contracts with over 250 cities across the U.S. as well as numerous statewide programs.

O’Connell’s Role:
O’Connell was hired to implement the red light enforcement system throughout the City of Rochester, contracting directly with Redflex for the work at each of the 50 intersections. Our in-depth familiarity with the city municipality and understanding of New York State DOT protocols helped us secure the project, along with our competitive price. Contributing factors also included our extensive roadway, traffic signal, and street lighting experience, knowledge of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and our Closed-circuit Television, audiovisual, and data expertise. Each installation involved mounting of the Redflex detection devices to existing structures or installing proprietary pole systems to carry them. Positioning of the equipment needed to be exact to ensure optimum functionality of each install. In addition to the cameras and strobes, pavement cuts were made for installing in-pavement vehicle sensors at each intersection as well as excavation and trenching to bring in power, lay conduit, and pour foundations for the dedicated support structures.
Initial data confirms that traffic related accidents across all intersections are down.

Project 2
Bliss Wind Farm

Project Overview:
Bliss Wind Farm, a 100.5 megawatt wind power generation site, was the first of several wind farms recently developed in the Greater Niagra Region of Upstate New York.  The site features 67 GE 1.5 megawatt turbines and represents a $200 million investment in clean, renewable energy funded by G.E. Energy Services and operated by Noble Environmental Power.

O’Connell’s Role:
O’Connell’s contribution spanned three diverse aspects of the Noble Bliss project—testing, power line construction, and data communications.

Prior to breaking ground, Nobel contracted with our Technical Services Division to provide acceptance testing for the project’s underground cable while it was still on spools at their warehouse.  After construction, we performed all acceptance testing for the site’s overhead collection and tower grounding systems and on each of the 67 turbine tower transformers.  We also provided site energization and start-up support.

O’Connell’s Power Line Division sealed a deal with Noble for $3.6 million to do their part. Line work involved running 115kV overhead transmission line between the site’s 34.5/115kV substation and grid interconnection substation, 14 miles away, and 25 miles of overhead collection system, single, double, and triple 34.5kV circuit Hendrix Cable construction.  All line work was completed within 10 months.

Our Communications Division was awarded the fiber optics portion of the project. Fiber cable carries crucial operation and performance data from instrumentation on each turbine to a single collection point at the site.  From there it is transmitted to a commercial processing center where it is monitored and analyzed.  O’Connell reel tested and installed 90,000 feet of fiber optic cable, performing 1600 terminations, 110 aerial and pedestal splice points, and all final post-termination fiber testing.


Customer: Government Consulting Agency
Task: Copy Editing
Application: Documentation 

I was recently tasked with distilling a 1400 word report into a 300 word overview for a government customer.  Below is the approved copy.

Relocating a Community

Martin, Kentucky has seen its share of economic challenges but surviving the flood waters of nature may be this Appalachian community’s greatest test yet.  In recent decades flood devastation in Martin has totaled hundreds of millions of dollars, caused numerous injuries and taken human lives. So dire was the region’s plight that Congress adopted legislation and appropriated funding.

The Army Corps of Engineers has employed numerous conventional flood protection strategies throughout the region, but when it came to Martin a more radical approach was necessary―the entire town needed to be relocated to higher ground.  To facilitate the move a community redevelopment plan was drafted and presented to town residents who became active collaborators throughout the process.

Key objectives for the 10-year plan are to maintain Martin’s character, style and small rural scale while enabling longterm sustainability.  New Martin will include a town square, spaces for social interaction and easily visible landmarks over approximately 20 acres.  Old Martin will be demolished and the land raised to safe levels.

The project has been divided into four phases which comprise varying aspects of design, excavation, construction, demolition and waste disposal.  Numerous environmental protection measures have been put in place and provisions for residents and businesses outside the immediate flooding area have been made.

To complicate matters, both the town and the highway running through it need to function unimpaired throughout the project.  Phase One construction of suitable facilities and redevelopment sites along with timely relocation by residents and businesses will be crucial to success.

The redevelopment of Martin, Kentucky was the most viable method for protecting the town from future floods.  It was the only acceptable option for preserving a long established rural community while offering potential for economic revitalization and growth and will serve as a prototype for similar communities in crisis.


Customer: Business Consultancy
Task: Copy Editing
Application: Sell Sheet

The following sell sheet marketing copy was edited from a corporate presentation.

Front of Sell Sheet:

Brand Velocity

Strategic Profiling/Action Planning

How companies can create more value through
utilizing collaboration

Collaboration is good for teams and individuals
In the March 2015 issue of Harvard Business Review, Heidi K. Gardner illustrated
how collaboration increases revenues for professional services firms

1. An increase in the complexity of client projects leads to higher hourly rates
2. “More collaborators, more revenue” - As the number of practice groups or individuals involved increases, revenue increases
3. In a law firm study, Lawyer B involved 24 more partners than Lawyer A and total revenue
from his clients was more than four times higher than Lawyer A
4. In international firms, revenue grows as the number of countries involved in client projects

Collaboration gets derailed at most firms
Organizations are not set up to benefit from collaboration, which can give
firms a competitive edge and increase revenue

1. Organization Structure: Favors individual contributors and values “rock stars”
2. Compensation Systems: Reward “lone wolf” behavior and promote rivalry
3. Organization Culture: Competitive values thwart collaborative effort

“Quote from the CEO”

Back of Sell Sheet:

The root of the problem, and how to solve it

The root of the problem lies not in a firm’s desire to collaborate, but that it lacks an approach
to work that enables collaboration to happen.

For most firms, collaboration represents a different way of working, and requires that firms
learn how to work differently. Firms must employ a way of planning and operations that
identifies greater opportunities, engages those involved, and creates real alignment and ownership
for the way forward.

To be successful this type of approach must apply to all levels and areas of a firm and must be
able to be applied in a manner that is congruent with normal operations.

Brand Velocity’s Strategic Profiling/Action Planning is such an approach.

Strategic Profiling—Action Planning

Brand Velocity helps teams achieve better, faster results and improve engagement by capitalizing
on individual as well as team strengths. We can provide clients with an immediate understanding
of individual preferences, overall team makeup, and increased team engagement.

Our process is based on Peter Drucker’s powerful principles for improving individual and team
effectiveness, efficiency, and results. Our approach will give leaders insight into the personalities,
passions, and abilities of their teams beyond assigned roles.

Benchmarks for measuring team results are achieved through a 90-day Action Plan.

“Collaboration is not a process, but a behavior”

Customer: Specialty Contractor: Trenchless Drilling
Task: Copywriting
Application: Marketing: Company Website

As part of a website development project for Turner Underground Installations, a regional horizontal directional drilling contractor, I was hired to write all content for their new website as well as several featured project write-ups.


Customer: Dental Practice
Task: Copywriting
Application: Trifold Welcome Flyer

Front Panel:

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

We’re Drs. Emery and Scuro. We believe you’ve made an excellent
choice in moving to our community and hope you’ll enjoy living and
working here as much as we do. Please, come visit us at our state-of-the-art dental practice located at 2184 Chili Avenue.

585 247-7110

Inside Offer Panel:

Our Gift to you for making an Appointment ... $20 Off

Bring in this flyer and receive $20-OFF any of our services for one
member of your family! We’d love the opportunity to meet you!

Inside Spread:

Dedicated to the Art & Science of Modern Dentistry for the Whole Family!

$20 Off

Since 1978, Drs. Emery and Scuro have been providing the highest quality general and cosmetic dental care to adults and children in our area. We believe strongly that an informed patient is an empowered one. That’s why we make it a priority to educate our patients on any conditions that may arise and the proposed treatments and procedures to remedy them.

Stop by or Call 585 247-7110

Drs. Emery and Scuro have taken great steps to ensure that your experience is a pleasant and rewarding one—from our courteous, professional staff to our comfortable, relaxing atmosphere.

Stop by our office at 2184 Chili Avenue (just a half mile past the airport) or give us a call anytime. Accept this $20-OFF flyer as our way of saying welcome to the community. We look forward to making your acquaintance and serving your needs.

Also, visit us on the web at

Back Panel:

Emery & Scuro

Full care including: Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics, Implants & Dentures, Periodontal Therapy, Endodontics and treatment of children.

Customer: Top 50 U.S. Specialty Contractor
Task: Copywriting & Brand Messaging
Application: Brochure for Wind Renewable Energy Division

The text below was written for O’Connell Electric’s large format Wind brochure that I developed for the company. O’Connell gives these marketing vehicles to qualified leads and concerns gained through national trade shows and other promotional efforts. I developed a similar brochure with copy for their Solar Renewable Energy Division. You can view both brochures under the Print tab on this website.

Brand Positioning Statement:
Experience. Innovation. Leadership.

Brochure Cover:
O’Connell Electric Company
A Full-Service Electrical Contractor

Company Introduction Section:
O’Connell Electric Company

A Hundred Years of Industry Leadership and Innovation

In 1968, Walter T. Parkes purchased O’Connell Electric, determined to pursue unique, challenging projects. His philosophy for calculated risk-taking laid the foundation for the diversified company we are today, fostering a corporate culture that supports innovative thinking and strategic action. Our progressive approach differentiates us from the competition. “We love to tackle the most challenging jobs. Although there are greater risks, there are also greater rewards, if you do them properly.”—Vic Salerno, CEO

O’Connell’s pursuit of innovation puts us at the forefront of renewable and alternative energy technologies—nuclear in the ‘70s, hydro generation plants through the ‘80s, Landfill Gas to Energy (LFGTE) since the mid ‘90s, and now wind and solar. In fact, we are a leading solar energy solutions provider in the northeast.

O’Connell is no stranger to industry firsts—bringing wind-generated power to the grid is no exception. We started in the late ‘90s with the first three commercial wind farms in New York. In 2007, we installed and tested the first commercial application of Clipper 2.5 MW Liberty wind turbines in the U.S. To date, we’ve applied and refined our diverse expertise at 14 wind farms containing 775 turbines, generating up to 1250 MW of power.

O’Connell’s strength as a full-service electrical contractor is rooted in the diversity of our services. For wind farm construction, this translates into turnkey solutions which span substation construction, testing and commissioning, collection and transmission systems construction, fiber optics installation, and tower wiring. O’Connell is uniquely efficient at point of interconnect resolution. Our people are highly skilled in complex areas. Our tooling and equipment are second to none. Even our competitors call on us for our specialized work.

O’Connell has weathered tough business climates before. Our corporate bonding capacity now exceeds $180 million. In the last 40 years, O’Connell has provided more than $1 billion of electrical services to its customers and today we are ranked among the top 50 largest electrical contractors in the nation.

Key Services Overview Applicable to Wind Farm Development:
Power Collection Systems, Transmission & Distribution
O’Connell’s power line services are impressive—medium to high voltage, overhead/underground, collection, transmission, and distribution systems construction. In the field, that translates to site clearing and development, pole setting and framing, wire-stringing and cable-pulling, conduit and manhole systems, splicing and terminations. Combine that with our substation/switchyard construction and testing/commissioning capabilities and you have a fully integrated, end-to-end solutions provider.

O’Connell recently concluded a $115 million design/build EPC transmission/substation joint venture partnership project in Upstate New York. The project included construction of 34.5KV and 115KV transmission lines (50 circuit miles of underground and 40 of overhead), nine substation upgrades, and the construction of two new substations. On a Westchester County project for NYSEG, O’Connell constructed six miles of overhead 46KV lashed aerial cable transmission line and an open wire construction across New York City commuter traffic on Interstate 684.

O’Connell installed the overhead collection systems for Cohocton’s 50-turbine, 180 MW wind farm project in New York’s Finger Lakes Region. Additionally, we constructed the site’s two transmission substations, POI switchyard, and nine miles of overhead transmission line that connects them. O’Connell’s extensive fleet of all-terrain track vehicles and custom equipment made navigating the region’s challenging landscape manageable.

Engineer Procure Construct
We provide turnkey solutions for large transmission and distribution projects. O’Connell’s project management applications across diverse electrical disciplines, combined with our breadth of general contracting experience, sets the stage for our managed EPC approach. Add to the mix our established relationships with
engineering and supply integrators, and our EPC process is guaranteed to keep your project on schedule, on budget, and safe.

Acceptance Testing, Commissioning & Preventative Maintenance

O’Connell’s Technical Services Division applies their expertise to all aspects of the wind farm electrical system—point of interconnect, collection systems, substations, transformers, and tower wiring. They provide engineering design, reliability analysis, functional testing, acceptance testing, start-up/commissioning, preventative maintenance, and emergency service. The result is always an efficient, safe, reliable system completed on schedule and within budget.

As a Doble Engineering client, we have access to the industry’s most sophisticated diagnostic test equipment as well as 25 million test results on over 100,000 types 
of apparatus. O’Connell is also a member of TEGG, an international network of electrical contractors. This assures that our technicians and management teams are current on the latest preventative maintenance training, certifications, and equipment necessary to maintain the highest level of electrical systems reliability. With O’Connell, you’ll never be left in the dark. Our emergency response team stands ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As part of a large power generation decommissioning project, O’Connell was contracted to perform testing and commissioning at eleven active substations. Utilizing Doble 3-phase power simulator, satellite, and GPS technology, we synchronized and simultaneously tested substations across the region while maintaining power at all times. O’Connell also performed acceptance testing across 50 circuit miles of underground 34.5KV cable for the project.

O’Connell tested and commissioned all 230KV ring bus substation protective, control, and supervisory equipment at the 84-turbine Wethersfield wind farm to ensure it met design and system requirements. Our complete functional testing of the substation included end-to-end line testing back to the wind farm’s collection substation. Our commissioning team identified potential substation design errors that were corrected in time to protect the schedule to bring the system online.

What started as a small condition assessment job on a retired substation led to full electrical construction services on Steel Winds, a wind farm now standing on the abandoned brown-field site of a large steel mill. O’Connell’s diagnostic results, along with substation design/modification recommendations, convinced developers we were the right company for the job. We repaired and modified the existing substation to accept power generated by the wind turbines, installed the underground collection systems and overhead transmission lines, wired the towers for power, and ran fiber optics for all data communications. Then, O’Connell wrapped up the project right where it all began—at the substation—by providing final systems acceptance testing and commissioning. Today, we provide preventative maintenance services to the new site owners.

Substations, Switchyards & Point of Interconnect (POI)
O’Connell’s substation and switchyard construction services form the foundation of power generation and transmission connectivity for distributed generation wind farm projects. Our breadth of experience working with public utilities and municipalities uniquely qualifies us to meet the challenges that can derail a wind project, including the critical point of interconnect (POI).


Our substation work dates back to 1932 when the Winter Olympics first came to Lake Placid. In 1980, we were back as prime contractor, re-energizing the entire village and all sports venues for their second Olympics. We built two new 115KV substations and upgraded the existing systems while our power line group took on the rugged terrain and steep granite faces of Whiteface Mountain. Today, our substation/switchyard projects number in the hundreds, spanning diverse applications across public utilities and private interests, including 14 commercial wind farms in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

For the 75-turbine Sheldon wind farm project in Upstate New York, we delivered on our promise to the developer and gave them point of interconnect functionality within ten months—that was four months less than the competition was selling. Part of our success rests in the speed with which we can obtain utility approval.

O’Connell provides professionally managed turnkey operations for wind farm substation and switchyard facility installations: design/build, obtaining required approvals, site development, foundations and structural steel, control house construction, equipment procurement and installation, grounding systems, power generation and transmission connectivity, and testing/commissioning. Our experience and capabilities ensure your project will meet all schedule, cost, and performance requirements.

Tower Wiring & Fiber Optics

Completing O’Connell’s turnkey solution package for wind farm electrical construction are the wind turbines.


O’Connell boasts nearly 100 years experience electrifying structures of all kinds—industrial, commercial, institutions, airports, and bridges—from the service bus to all electrical fixtures, switches, instrumentation, and machinery. Our wind turbine tower wiring experience dates back to the first wind farms in New York State.

Turbine performance and weather data are critical to operating, maintaining, and managing a successful wind farm. Our fiber optic expertise has enabled us to accomplish successful communications installations at a variety of wind farm projects—miles of cable with thousands of terminations. Our technicians and managers are dedicated communications professionals.

Safety on The Job
At O’Connell, safety is job one. We continue to be leaders for change affecting the safety culture within the electrical construction industry. Our Safety Managers execute in-house training programs, develop site-specific safety plans, and conduct regular inspections at all project locations. They also work in conjunction with other site contractors to ensure that consistent safety practices are being followed throughout. As a member of the National Electrical Contractors Association, O’Connell leverages NECA’s tried and true electrical safety processes and extensive resources to even better protect project workers, users, and occupants.


Customer: Upstate New York Township
Task: Copy Editing
Application: Brochure Introducing Town to Business Prospects

I was hired to design and produce a welcome packet that promoted the town of Victor to prospective businesses looking to relocate or open their business there. Copy for a series of themed ‘sell sheets’ was provided to me which I felt lacked clarity and overall cohesiveness. I submitted a copy sample to the town showing how it could be edited to read more clearly. The town approved moving forward with the edits which are copied below.

Welcome to Victor

On behalf of our Village and Town governments, our residents and the diverse businesses which prosper here, we welcome you to Victor, New York. We are proud to introduce our vibrant community and confident that your experiences will leave you with positive and lasting impressions.

As a thriving township with abounding rural character Victor has a rich history and an even brighter future. The economic environment in Victor is inviting and productive for established businesses as well as startups. Our Town and Village Boards remain committed to ongoing improvements to the downtown business district while preserving its ‘small town’ charm. Nearly every comfort is close at hand in Victor while the interstates and main arteries make access to and from our town both convenient and simple.

Whether you plan to work or live here or visit to experience our renowned shopping, dining and golf amenities or simply take in a summer concert we think you’ll agree that Victor is a great place to be.

The Village and Town were originally part of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase of 1788. The Town of Victor was set aside from the Town of Bloomfield in 1812 as an act of the New York State Legislature. A six mile square piece of land was bought from this very large tract of land by Enos Boughton for 20 cents an acre, also in 1788.

The Village of Victor was incorporated in 1879 as it became the Town’s center for commerce and manufacturing. Three early railroads made the Village of Victor a hub for large quantities of produce, (especially potatoes, grain, and apples) to be shipped all over the state and country. The buildings in our central business district reflect the architectural styles of the past with a growing touch from the present.

Victor, a Community of Service

Victor’s populace is overflowing with generous, service-minded people who have unified in a number of ways to be able to help their neighbors.

The Victor/Farmington Food Cupboard has been a staple in our community for decades. This non-profit, all-volunteer operation collects and distributes food to residents in need and is supported by numerous businesses, churches, civic groups, and individuals.

The Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions clubs all have a welcomed presence in Victor and both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts offer numerous programs in locations throughout Town.

Public safety is no casual matter in Victor with a surplus of support across the board. The Victor/Farmington Volunteer Ambulance Corps is on call around the clock, seven days a week. Fire safety and disaster relief is facilitated by both the Victor and Fishers Volunteer Fire Departments while the keeping of the peace is adequately covered by the Ontario County Sheriffs Department and New York State Police.

Serenity House, fully staffed by volunteers, provides hospice services to the area’s terminally ill and their families.

Victor is home to many other community, service, and volunteer organizations like the Victor Garden Club which is dedicated to keeping the community beautiful yearround. Victor Hiking Trails, Inc. works behind the scenes maintaining a network of hiking trails and foot paths which traverse the Town, promoting a healthy lifestyle and positive relationship with Victor’s abundant natural environment.

As a result of the many hours volunteered by its citizens, Victor is able to keep taxes among the lowest in the area, helping to make it an even more attractive community in which to live, work, and play.

Learning for a Lifetime

Victor Central Schools rank as one of the highest achieving districts in New York State. A picturesque 176-acre campus located just outside of the Village is home to all five of our schools and includes a brand new collegiate-level aquatic center, turf field, all-weather track, and state of the art auditorium.

Students and parents alike enjoy this community setting, accented by not only an all-inclusive road system, but safe, convenient sidewalks and walking trails, too.

Academically, Victor Central Schools offer extensive high school Honors and AP courses, International Baccalaureate and Global Competency programs, and multiage course offerings in our elementary schools. Strong math and science curriculums as well as pre-engineering classes are just a few of the district’s hallmarks, not to mention extensive technology that supports instruction across all levels of learning.

Artistically, our students thrive on many fronts through numerous art and music classes and clubs as well as multiple theater and performance opportunities. One third of our senior high students are involved in an art program and each year, between 10 to 15 students from VCS pursue an art major in college.

Athletically, our sports programs are driven by scholar athletes who thrive on excellence on and off the fields and courts. All ten 2014 fall varsity teams qualified as scholar athlete teams. The character and commitment of our athletic teams have not only earned our students multiple sportsmanship honors through the years, but many Sectional and State Championship titles, as well.

For more information visit our website:

Learning for a lifetime is encouraged through Victor Central Schools’ Continuing Education Programs. There’s something for all ages and interests with courses offered in the languages, physical fitness, the arts, skilled trades, and a host of other subjects.

The area is also home to a broad array of private and parochial school options as well as a bounty of resources and chapter groups for home schooling families.
When higher education is the goal, Victor is located in close proximity to these exceptional learning institutions: The University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, St. John Fisher College, Nazareth College, Roberts Wesleyan College, SUNY College at Brockport, SUNY College at Geneseo, Finger Lakes Community College, and Monroe Community College.

Doing Business in Victor

With a unique mix of retail, industrial, and high-tech businesses in Town, Victor residents can have the luxury of working close to home.

Eastview Mall, one of the largest, super-regional shopping centers in New York State, is at the heart of a bustling retail mecca in the Town’s northwest corner. With over 150 upscale stores and a distinctive restaurant selection, Eastview is not only a popular local destination, but draws visitors from across the northeast and Canada. The mall is conveniently located off exit 45 of the New York State Thruway and Interstate 490, making it easily accessible to travelers. Many national retail chains are represented in and around Eastview while smaller, independent retail establishments dot the main route leading into the Village. On the east side of Town, the largest Subaru dealership in the nation calls Victor home.

Victor is also an industrial center where advancements from local businesses have resulted in cutting edge developments. High tech research, development, and manufacturing facilities are strategically located throughout both the Town and Village and include companies ranging from telecommunications to materials handling.

Victor companies have been recognized both regionally and nationally for excellence, including seven area businesses claiming a spot in The Rochester Top 100 for 2014. Industry is attracted to Victor for its low tax rates, close proximity to Rochester, and convenient location midway between Buffalo and Syracuse. Being situated near major state thoroughfares makes Victor easily accessible and a prime location for commerce.

Numerous incentives are offered by the Village, Town, County, and State of New York for businesses that are considering setting up shop in Victor. Some of these incentives include:
  • Real Property Tax Abatement
  • Low Interest Revolving Loan Funds
  • Technology funding for small technology companies
  • County Work Force Development provides training and recruitment incentives
  • Sales Tax exemptions for IT equipment
  • Technical Assistance from Cornell AG and Technology Park
  • Technical assistance for companies engaged in Photonics and Microsystems
  • Customized course creation through Finger Lakes Community College
For more information concerning these and other assistance programs, contact the Victor Local Development Corporation at 585-742-6320 or

Life in Victor

Quality of life in Victor borders on the ideal. We have a highly-respected school system, affordable housing, reasonable taxes, diverse shopping, and easy access to destinations throughout the northeast. Victor is also steeped in culture and offers diverse recreational activities.

The Village of Victor is home to a busy public library which serves the community as part of the four-county Pioneer Library System. When it’s time to catch a bite to eat or kick back and relax, there’s a wide array of restaurants and coffee shops to choose from.

Victor's nine Town and Village parks combine for over 700 acres of passive and active recreation space. The 47-acre Victor Municipal Park is our newest addition with a year-round lodge, stocked fishing pond, picnic shelter, and special events amphitheater. The Town also administers an extensive summer recreation program for children, year-round activities for senior citizens, a community chorus and band, and summer and winter concerts.

Sports and activities are important to the community. Numerous organizations sponsor youth and adult athletic programs in conjunction with Victor Central Schools and the Parks and Recreation Department. This cooperative effort gives participants access to acres of baseball diamonds, soccer and football fields, and inside facilities including the school gymnasiums and swimming pool.

The Town also cooperates with several clubs to maintain a 55-mile-long network of trails which crisscrosses Victor parks and countryside linking with the Finger Lakes Trail and ultimately the Appalachian Trail. Visitors to the Mary Frances Bluebird Haven won’t be disappointed. They’ll enjoy a living classroom from which they can study and help preserve New York’s tenacious yet beautiful state bird.

For golf enthusiasts, six courses are nestled into the scenic Victor landscape— more than any other town in Ontario County. There’s the Robin Nelson-designed Ravenwood Golf Club, the popular Victor Hills Golf Course featuring 63 holes, Parkview Fairways, the Winding Creek executive course, and the private Cobblestone Creek Country Club and Champion Hills courses.

On the first Saturday after Labor Day, the annual Hang Around Victor Day signals the end of summer with activities and fanfare. Main Street is transformed as local retail businesses and organizations come out in force. Throughout the day there are fun activities and demonstrations for both children and adults. There’s food and drink to satisfy any appetite, and under the tent, live bands keep the atmosphere festive well into the evening. Many residents come and just ‘hang around’ the Village all day long.

The spiritual side of life is not overlooked in Victor, which is home to numerous houses of worship. Located in Town are Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Romanian Orthodox, and nondenominational churches. Neighboring towns and the city of Rochester offer opportunities for an even wider range of denominations and religions.

Nestled atop a scenic hill overlooking the Village of Victor is the Ganondagan State Historic Site, a once bustling Seneca Native American village. Ganondagan—Town of Peace—is home to miles of trails, a full-size replica of a seventeenth-century Seneca Bark Longhouse, and hosts regular festivals and Seneca meetings. In 2015, the new 17,300 square foot Seneca Art and Culture Center opened at Ganondagan featuring a variety of exhibits, contemporary Native American art, as well as a performance hall, gift shop, cafe, and classrooms. The Center has allowed Ganondagan to become a true full-time educational, cultural, and tourist destination where visitors from around the world can learn of the rich history and contributions made by the Seneca Nation.

With the broad availability of assisted living options and an easily navigated Village, Victor is an ideal location for retirement. The Victor Senior Citizens’ Club regularly organizes diverse trips, activities, meetings, and social gatherings for these valued members of the community.

Each Wednesday afternoon from June to October, a Village parking lot is transformed into a popular Farmers’ Market. Numerous vendors converge to offer a bounty of fresh produce, meats, home baked goods and a sundry of additional items.

Victor’s unique positioning as a gateway to the scenic Finger Lakes Region, the second-largest wine producing region in the nation, is another reason why the Town is a popular stop for travelers and a quality place to call home.

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