Brand Identity

I find brand identity and logo development to be both challenging and rewarding.  It is quite a responsibility to be entrusted with representing the very soul of a company, service, or product. As managing partner and creative director of a successful marketing communications and branding firm for 14 years I have a broad range of experience in developing identity systems, logos and brand messaging.

Below are several of my identity designs which cover a range of industries and applications.
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Above: Logo, brand guidelines, brand strategy and brand messaging for this occupational therapy practice with three regional offices.

Above: Logo and branding for Sneaky Pete’s—a speakeasy restaurant and lounge named after the original owner and bartender of a 40-year staple establishment in the community.  This graphic translated nicely as an embossing on the faux leather charcuterie, drink and dinner menus.

Above: Distressed logotype representing historic Victor, New York for communications and promotional materials relating to town history.

Above: I was brought in for design development of Wegmans Food Markets artisan corporate logo.

Above: An identity design collaboration with my son Kelsey for a marketing firm.

Above: Consultants to Federal Government and Intel sectors.

Above: Rejuvve Jewelry. Imported from Indonesia and the Pacific Rim, where my customer spent over 15 years teaching at international schools, Rejuvve is jewelry designed for women to wear when they are at their most relaxed and carefree . . . need I say it . . . when they want to feel rejuvenated.

Above: APG is an AXA Advisors team.

Above: Emery & Scuro is a husband and wife dental practice. The Tudor-style office building they’ve been practicing out of for 30 years, is a community landmark. We felt it was important to incorporate it as part of their identity.
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Above: This friendly top-down photo of Brad and Carol was a key element of their new identity and is incorporated into nearly every aspect of promotion and advertising. It was a day and night improvement over the mug shots they were previously using.
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Above: I had to include this here. As you may have guessed, this is a tooth-shaped business/appointment card. Before we worked together, E&S was having a local quick-print place print and die cut various color card stocks in this tooth shape for their appointment cards. I resisted at first, but they were adamant that the tooth had to stay. So, I pitched the current two-sided dual purpose cards which, with the new identity incorporated, seemed to bring just the right level of humor into the mix. They’ve become a bigger hit than before. I still smile when I see them—fitting for the circumstances.
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Above: John McKeown is a Social Security Disability and Bankruptcy attorney. He came to me looking for a Yellow Pages ad. I counseled him to put a friendly face on his business, first. Once we established his identity, we moved ahead with his ad campaign.

Above: Wegmans Food Markets' Delicatessen identity appears on all department-related products including Wegmans Brand meats, pre-printed labels, bags, signage and more. I illustrated the sandwich and art directed the typographic solution.

I've worked on numerous private label brands for Wegmans, as well as the latest revisions to their wine glass/plate/fork company logo.

Above: Metal Center Rochester was in direct competition with 22 other metal distributors. MCR made a move to elevate themselves above the fraction-of-a-cent-per-pound price wars the industry is known for by bringing a range of unique value-added services to the table. We gave them a white collar identity to match their new image, seen embossed on the cover of their company brochure, above. My role was that of Creative Director and executing designer for this identity.

Catch a glimpse of the brochure under my Print Collateral portfolio page.

Above: Astra Networks is an independent telecommunications company.

Above: Corning Collections was a design approach that implemented the same colors and patterns across all brands including CorningWare, Corelle Ware and Pyrex. Corning art directed the mark, I illustrated it.

Above: Life Together Fest was an evangelical event that took place annually at Sea Breeze Amusement Park.

Above: Cherith International is a Christian relief organization ministering the to poor and impoverished in Africa. I was art director on this project.