Book Design

These two children’s natural history books come in at an impressive 9 3/4-inches wide by 13 1/4-inches tall.  I designed, directed and produced both which are full of stunning photography, illustrations and information graphics anchored by compelling nonfiction narratives and startling facts.
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Consuming Coral Reefs

Above: Book cover—a digital illustration utilizing eight different photographs.

Below:  Following the Reefs narrative, these custom reference maps highlight endangered sea creature aggregations in the Caribbean and Westerm Pacific regions and are located on the front and back end-pages of the book.

Below: Reefs will open with a Prologue and a visual concept which required me to digitally convert a coral reef photograph into a jigsaw puzzle.

Below: Chapter 8 of Reefs features a grandfather's photo album of past ocean fishing adventures.  I digitally illustrated the image for this spread utilizing more than 50 images, most of which I photographed and composed for this piece.

Below: Copyright, Acknowledgements and Contents pages of the book.

Below: A series of chapter spreads from Reefs.

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Why I Care About SHARKS

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