Print Advertising

I’ve designed, produced and placed ads and ad campaigns for numerous customers as well as for self promotion throughout my career in trade journals and industry publications, newspapers, magazines, business publications, directories and community papers.  Below are several localized ads I’ve put together for a couple customers recently.
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Victor Local Development Corporation
—Business Journal PR Advertising

Ran this ad in a regional business journal for my town government customer, incorporating the brand look I've been building with them and extending across various marketing, communications and PR applications.

Eastview Power Products
—Community Advertising

A simple eighth-page ad for community and regional publications.

Emery & Scuro, DMD
—Healthy Living Magazine Ad
This quarter-page ad for Healthy Living Magazine tied into direct mail and other promotions for the practice.

John F. McKeown, Attorneys at Law
—Yellow Pages Advertising

Above: This before and after (hopefully it’s obvious) shows one of numerous Yellow Page ads I created for John F. McKeown, Attorneys at Law after developing a brand identity system for the firm.

Above: John knew his audience. If they were looking in the Yellow Pages we wouldn't need to clutter things up like many of his competitors. We refined the messaging and did away with the extraneous.

Color, black and white, quarter page, half page, full page ...

Emery & Scuro, DMD
—Yellow Pages Ad

Above: Here’s another before and after. It’s amazing the difference that a brand identity, a professional image and brand messaging can make for a business of any size.  New customer business from Yellow Pages inquiries rose 1300% as a result of this new ad for Emery & Scuro—now that’s something to smile about!__________

Icon Graphics
—Directory Advertising
In promoting Icon Graphics’ consumer products branding and packaging services nationally we placed double page spreads in national creative directories, strategic regional directories and trade publications.